Deployment of Fibre Optic Networks
Site: Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands.
Main features: FTTN, FTTC, FTTP, fibre for business customers.
Services supplied: Feasibility study (technical and financial), design engineering, field layouts, management of MARCo TESA regulation, implementation projects, project management, health and safety coordination, applications for and processing of licences with public authorities, preparation of splicing diagrams, updating of operators’ tools and preparation of as-built documents.
Date: 2009 to present
Since 2009, Ecointegral has been the engineering firm for the main fibre optic network operators in Andalusia, Extremadura and the Canary Islands, carrying out the work described and taking part in the various deployments both for its own network and for other clients.
Ecointegral has a team with extensive experience in the various tools and systems of the main fibre operators in the country, knowledge of the MARCo regulations for sharing the networks of Telefónica de España with other operators, management with municipal councils and other authorities, and field experience such as project management and technical support. Therefore, it delivers high-value solutions to deploy fibre optic networks for its clients.
- Site: Andalucía, Extremadura y Canarias
- Main features: FTTN, FTTCT, FTTPoC, Fibra para clientes
- Services supplied: Estudio de viabilidades (técnicas y económicas), Ingeniería de diseño, replanteos en campo, gestión MARCo TESA, proyectos de ejecución, direcciones de obra, Coordinación de Seguridad y Salud, solicitudes y gestión de licencias con organismos, elaboración de cartas de empalme, actualización de herramientas de operadores y realización de As Builts.
- Date: 2009-Actualidad