Electric engineering
- Search for locations and prior feasibility studies of possible locatio1ns.
- Technical and documentary management in the design of projects and preliminary projects for transmission and distribution substations.
- Management and obtaining mutual agreements for land affected by both generation and evacuation facilities.
- Initial technical and environmental reports for prior consultations and studies of alternatives.
- Basic and detailed engineering of air-insulated, hybrid or GIS medium and high voltage substations in the specialties of Electromechanics, Electrical Studies and protection and control.
- Specialized electrical studies, such as charge flow, short circuit, protection coordination.
- Property engineering with advice on bidding and construction processes.
- Financial advice
- Construction management.
- Project Management for construction.
- Commissioning
- Audits and quality monitoring during the warranty period.
- Documentation and processing for the dismantling of evacuation infrastructure.
- Engineering for the development of repowering of existing facilities
- Expansion studies of existing substations
- Substation Modeling with BIM technology


- Search for locations and prior feasibility studies of possible high and medium voltage lines
- Technical and documentary management throughout the access and connection request procedure, both in the transport and distribution network
- Management and obtaining mutual agreements for land affected by both generation and evacuation facilities.
- Initial technical and environmental reports for prior consultations and studies of alternatives
- Basic and detailed engineering of medium and high voltage overhead and underground lines.
- Modeling of overhead power lines in PLS-CADD
- Analysis of mechanical stresses on structures with PLS-TOWER
- Carrying out capacity calculations for underground lines with specialized software
- Implementations and improvements in results with specialized software
- Property engineering with advice on bidding and construction processes.
- Financial advice
- Construction management.
- Project Management for construction.
- Commissioning
- Audits and quality monitoring during the warranty period
- Management and advice, both insurance and O&M
- Management and technical management during exploitation
- Documentation and processing for dismantling
- Engineering for the development of repowering of existing facilities