
Location: Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) Main characteristics: 40 Ha affected area, land with gentle slopes, alternating roughness between agricultural land and natural vegetation. Hydrography of the Guadiana River Basin District. Services provided: hydrological and hydraulic study of the area for the technical and administrative project of...

Location: Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) Main characteristics: 40 Ha affected area, land with gentle slopes, alternating roughness between agricultural land and natural vegetation. Hydrography of the Guadiana River Basin District. Services provided: hydrological and hydraulic study of the area for the technical and administrative project of...

Ubicación: Villafranca de los Barros (Badajoz) Características principales: superficie de afección 40 Ha, terrenos con pendientes suaves, rugosidad alterna entre suelo agrícola y vegetación natural. Hidrografía de la Demarcación Hidrográfica del Guadiana. Servicios prestados: estudio hidrológico e hidráulico de la zona para el proyecto técnico administrativo de...

Power: 49.5 MW Location: La Mata de los Olmos and Crivillén Main characteristics: 9 wind turbines with a hub height of 120m and a power of 5.5 MW per unit Services provided: Design of road and electrical infrastructure for wind farms, as well as drafting of technical documentation...

Power: 49.5 MW Location: La Mata de los Olmos and Crivillén Main characteristics: 9 wind turbines with a hub height of 120m and a power of 5.5 MW per unit Services provided: Design of road and electrical infrastructure for wind farms, as well as drafting of technical documentation...

Potencia: 49,5 MW Ubicación: La Mata de los Olmos y Crivillén Características principales: 9 aerogeneradores de 120m altura de buje y potencia de 5,5 MW unitaria Servicios prestados: Diseño de infraestructura viaria y eléctrica de parques eólicos, así como redacción de documentación técnica para obtención de autorización administrativa...

Power: 40 MW Location: Seville Main characteristics: 115,000 modules. Services provided: Plant execution project as well as the evacuation line execution project Date: 2020 The project includes the installation of 115,000 monocrystalline silicon modules for the production of electrical energy and 14 3,400 kVA inverters. The plant occupies a total...

Power: 40 MW Location: Seville Main characteristics: 115,000 modules. Services provided: Plant execution project as well as the evacuation line execution project Date: 2020 The project includes the installation of 115,000 monocrystalline silicon modules for the production of electrical energy and 14 3,400 kVA inverters. The plant occupies a total...

Potencia: 40 MW Ubicación: Sevilla Características principales:115.000 módulos. Servicios prestados: Proyecto de ejecución de la planta así como el proyecto de ejecución de la línea de evacuación Año: 2020 El proyecto contempla la instalación de 115.000 módulos de silicio monocristalino para la producción de energía eléctrica y 14 inversores de...

Power: 700 MW Location: Aragon Main features: 14 wind farms Services provided: Engineering design to obtain prior administrative authorization, environmental impact statement and administrative construction authorization and declaration of public utility. Date: 2021 The 14 projected wind farms have more than 100 wind turbines of up to 5.5 MW of...

Power: 700 MW Location: Aragon Main features: 14 wind farms Services provided: Engineering design to obtain prior administrative authorization, environmental impact statement and administrative construction authorization and declaration of public utility. Date: 2021 The 14 projected wind farms have more than 100 wind turbines of up to 5.5 MW of...

Potencia: 700 MW Ubicación: Aragón Características principales: 14 parques eólicos Servicios prestados: Diseño de ingeniería para la obtención de la autorización administrativa previa, la declaración de impacto ambiental y la autorización administrativa de construcción y declaración de utilidad pública. Fecha: 2021 Los 14 parques eólicos proyectados disponen de más de...

Located in the village of San Martín del Tesorillo, the wind farm consists of twelve 2.2 MW wind turbines, 110 metres in diameter and with a tower height of 80 metres above ground level, configuring a total capacity of 26 MW. Ecointegral was part of the...

Located in the village of San Martín del Tesorillo, the wind farm consists of twelve 2.2 MW wind turbines, 110 metres in diameter and with a tower height of 80 metres above ground level, configuring a total capacity of 26 MW. Ecointegral was part of the...

Power: 24 MW Site: Puerto Real, Cádiz Main features: Seven 3.43 MW turbines - Net production 87 GWh/year Developer: Viesgo Renovables Services supplied: Pre-project and conceptual engineering, processing and project implementation Date: 2018 Construction began in 2018 on the El Marquesado wind farm, which is located in the town of Puerto...

Power: 24 MW Site: Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz Main features: Twelve 2 MW turbines - Net production 57,624 GWh/year Developer: NEK Eólica Services supplied: Project implementation Date: 2009 Ecointegral carried out the entire implementation project of the La Victoria wind farm, consisting of twelve Vestas V90/2000 wind turbines with 2...

Power: 2 MW Site: Málaga Main features: 8,707 250 W modules Developer: Ikea Iberica, S.A. Services supplied: Pre-project and conceptual engineering, licence and implementation projects, project management and site supervision Date: 2014 Ecointegral was main engineering company for the Ikea Málaga solar power plant, south of the city. An installation with more...

Power: 40 MW Site: Seville Main features: 147,000 modules / single-axis tracker Developer: Services supplied: Economic study, conceptual engineering for electrical installations and substations Date: 2019 The solar power plant features approximately 2,500 trackers on an N-S axis, which automatically regulate to adjust the east-west tilt of the panels, thereby optimising...

Power: 100 MW Site: Badajoz Main features: 290,000 modules Developer: Solarpack Corp Tecnológica S.A. Services supplied: Economic study, conceptual engineering for electrical installations and substations Date: 2019 This project consists of the design of two solar power plants with identical capacity, located on neighbouring sites so that they can share internal...

Contracted Electrical Capacitance: 1.3 MW. Site: Algeciras, Cádiz Main features: Consumption 10.3 GWh/year. Port and industrial facilities. Developer: Algeciras Bay Port Authority Services supplied: Energy auditing Date: 2017 Ecointegral carried out the full energy audit of the Port of Algeciras, which is the most important port in Spain in term of...

Ecointegral, en colaboración con Endesa Energía S.A., ha realizado la auditoría energética de uno de los clubes deportivos más Contracted Electrical Capacity: 2.27 MW. Site: Lanzarote, Canary Islands Main features: Consumption 7 GWh/year, 380 employees. Hospitality. Sports centre. Cogeneration. Developer: Club La Santa, S.A. Services supplied: Energy auditing Date: 2016 Ecointegral, in...

Number of climate-controlled offices: 250 Site: Andalusia-Valencia-Murcia Developer: Telefónica Soluciones Services supplied: Design engineering and project management Date: 2017 Renewal of the climate control equipment at 250 banks, taking into account current regulations and carrying out design focused on energy efficiency. The aim of the project was to renew the climate...

Number of climate-controlled offices: 250 Site: Andalusia-Valencia-Murcia Developer: Telefónica Soluciones Services supplied: Design engineering and project management Date: 2017 Renewal of the climate control equipment at 250 banks, taking into account current regulations and carrying out design focused on energy efficiency. The aim of the project was to renew the climate...

Ecointegral, en colaboración con Endesa Energía S.A., ha realizado la auditoría energética de uno de los clubes deportivos más Contracted Electrical Capacity: 2.27 MW. Site: Lanzarote, Canary Islands Main features: Consumption 7 GWh/year, 380 employees. Hospitality. Sports centre. Cogeneration. Developer: Club La Santa, S.A. Services supplied: Energy auditing Date: 2016 Ecointegral, in...

Contracted Electrical Capacitance: 1.3 MW. Site: Algeciras, Cádiz Main features: Consumption 10.3 GWh/year. Port and industrial facilities. Developer: Algeciras Bay Port Authority Services supplied: Energy auditing Date: 2017 Ecointegral carried out the full energy audit of the Port of Algeciras, which is the most important port in Spain in term of...

Power: 100 MW Site: Badajoz Main features: 290,000 modules Developer: Solarpack Corp Tecnológica S.A. Services supplied: Economic study, conceptual engineering for electrical installations and substations Date: 2019 This project consists of the design of two solar power plants with identical capacity, located on neighbouring sites so that they can share internal...

Power: 40 MW Site: Seville Main features: 147,000 modules / single-axis tracker Developer: Services supplied: Economic study, conceptual engineering for electrical installations and substations Date: 2019 The solar power plant features approximately 2,500 trackers on an N-S axis, which automatically regulate to adjust the east-west tilt of the panels, thereby optimising...

Power: 2 MW Site: Málaga Main features: 8,707 250 W modules Developer: Ikea Iberica, S.A. Services supplied: Pre-project and conceptual engineering, licence and implementation projects, project management and site supervision Date: 2014 Ecointegral was main engineering company for the Ikea Málaga solar power plant, south of the city. An installation with more...

Power: 24 MW Site: Chiclana de la Frontera, Cádiz Main features: Twelve 2 MW turbines - Net production 57,624 GWh/year Developer: NEK Eólica Services supplied: Project implementation Date: 2009 Ecointegral carried out the entire implementation project of the La Victoria wind farm, consisting of twelve Vestas V90/2000 wind turbines with 2...

Power: 24 MW Site: Puerto Real, Cádiz Main features: Seven 3.43 MW turbines - Net production 87 GWh/year Developer: Viesgo Renovables Services supplied: Pre-project and conceptual engineering, processing and project implementation Date: 2018 Construction began in 2018 on the El Marquesado wind farm, which is located in the town of Puerto...

Realizada la renovación de la climatización de 250 sucursales bancarias, teniendo en cuenta la normativa actual, y realizando el diseño desde el punto de vista de la eficiencia energética. El objetivo del proyecto consiste en la renovación de los sistemas de climatización, optimizando la potencia sin...

Ecointegral ha realizado el proyecto de ejecución íntegro de el parque eólico La Victoria, compuesto por 12 aerogeneradores Vestas V90/2000 de 2 MW de potencia unitaria, hasta un total de 24 MW de potencia nominal. Cada una de las turbinas constaba de 80 metros de...

Ecointegral, en colaboración con Endesa Energía S.A., ha realizado la auditoría energética de uno de los clubes deportivos más avanzados y prestigiosos de España, el Club La Santa, referente en turismo de alto rendimiento deportivo y alta sostenibilidad. Incluye un complejo sistema de hostelería y...

El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de dos plantas fotovoltaicas de idéntica potencia, situadas en parcelas anexas una a la otra, de forma que puedan compartir redes colectoras internas y subestación de evacuación. Dichas plantas se encuentran en el término municipal de Badajoz. Cada planta...

La planta fotovoltaica está compuesta por un aproximado de 2.500 seguidores a un eje N-S, que mediante su regulación automática ajustan la inclinación este-oeste de los paneles, optimizando la producción energética de los mismos durante todas las distintas horas del día. Ecointegral ha realizado el diseño...

Ecointegral ha participado como ingeniería principal de la planta fotovoltaica “Ikea Málaga”, al sur de la capital Malagueña. Una instalación con más de 8.000 módulos fotovoltaicos de 250W, con un total de 2MW de potencia divididos entre aparcamiento intemperie del parque comercial y la cubierta principal...

Situado en el término municipal de San Martín del Tesorillo, el parque eólico consta de 12 aerogeneradores de 2,2 MW de potencia unitaria, 110 metros de diámetro y una altura de buje de 80 metros sobre el nivel del suelo, configurando una potencia total de...

El parque eólico el Marquesado, que está ubicado en el término de Puerto Real y cuenta con 7 aerogeneradores de 132 m de diámetro de rotor y 163 m de altura, se empezó a construir en 2018 y se puso en servicio en octubre de...