Ecointegral co-sponsors the Claner 2024 renewable sector conferences

Ecointegral co-sponsors the Claner 2024 renewable sector conferences


Ecointegral/IDP has co-sponsored the sector conferences organized by the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), held at the Parador Nacional in Cádiz on June 20 and 21.

During the conference, key topics were addressed such as the future of energy, administrative management in the renewable sector, training in renewables, the development of hydrogen, energy storage, and the management of electrical networks, among others. These discussion tables and presentations brought together leading experts and professionals from the sector, facilitating a forum for debate and analysis on the challenges and opportunities facing the industry.

In this forum, we have had the opportunity to moderate the round table on hydrogen with the interventions of the president of the Andalusian Hydrogen Cluster, Francisco Montalbán, and the non-executive president of Hygreen Energy, Marcelino Oreja.

The Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), with more than 20 years of experience, brings together companies, official organizations, technology centers, universities and foundations, among other agents. Its mission is to represent and defend the Andalusian renewable energy sector, promote research, technological development and innovation, and strengthen the competitiveness of Andalusian companies in the clean energy sector. With more than a hundred member entities, CLANER represents more than 90% of the Andalusian renewable sector, highlighting the participation of Juan Ramón Mateos, president of Ecointegral, as a member of the association’s Board of Directors.

Ecointegral is proud to have co-sponsored these conferences and to actively contribute to the development of the renewable sector in Andalusia.