Author: ecoadmin

  Ecointegral/IDP joins the Andalusian Biogas Alliance (A2Bio), promoted by the Government of Andalusia through its Department of Industry, Energy and Mines. The main objective of this alliance is to highlight the importance of the production and use of biogas in Andalusia to strengthen the industrial,...

Ecointegral/IDP has co-sponsored the sector conferences organized by the Andalusian Renewable Energy Association (CLANER), held at the Parador Nacional in Cádiz on June 20 and 21. During the conference, key topics were addressed such as the future of energy, administrative management in the renewable sector, training...

Ecointegral/IDP continues to develop its portfolio in the provision of engineering and consultancy services for the renewable energy sector through a new project consisting of technical assistance, supervision and verification of the works of a photovoltaic solar plant of 50 MW of power peak. Ecointegral's...

Ecointegral/IDP has participated in the conference organized by the Association of Renewable Energies of Andalusia (CLANER) on October 7, 2022 at the Parador Nacional de Córdoba, coinciding with the 20th anniversary of its constitution. The Andalusian Cluster of Renewable Energies (CLANER), brings together companies, official bodies,...

Ecointegral/IDP has participated in the "IV Business Forum: Challenges of the 21st century and opportunities for engineering" organized by the Escuela Politécnica Superior de Bélmez at the University of Córdoba on September 28th, 2022. The forum is a University-Business meeting point whose objective is to bring...

IBERDROLA's ambitious project for the deployment of a network of 150,000 Electric Vehicle charging points in Spain, only at charging points owned by the utility, which will be completed by additional points developed for its private, industrial and public sector customers. ECOINTEGRAL, after its recent integration...

La Unión Europea está comprometida, a través del Pacto Verde suscrito por los estados miembros (Green Deal), con alcanzar la neutralidad climática para 2050. Esto no sería posible sin la electrificación del uso de la energía como palanca clave en la descarbonización del transporte, de...

For some months now, face masks have ceased to be a simple PPE "Personal Protective Equipment" to be used as a collective and social protection, however, this protection, which unfortunately has become an essential element in our daily lives, was already commonly used in some...

The businessman Antonio Arce, who has been a member of Ecointegral's Advisory Board since 2012 and has been collaborating with the company continuously since then in various areas, joins Ecointegral, as a shareholder and the executive as Director of Strategy.Antonio Arce Sánchez, a native of...

We are very satisfied with the work carried out as engineering for the El Tesorillo wind farm whose inauguration we had the pleasure of attending last Thursday 20th February. We would like to thank Naturgy for the public mention they made at this event about...

Trabajar por un mundo mejor es la mayor de las aspiraciones que una empresa de ingeniería puede tener y avanzar en este camino es el mejor deseo para el nuevo año.#HappyNewYear2020 ...

Historically symbolic is the coincidence in Madrid of the celebration of the Climate Summit with the National Renewable Energy Congress 2019, which has highlighted the critical role of the sector in the race against the clock for the decarbonisation of human activity, as well as...