
Ecointegral carries out projects aimed at improving medium voltage installations within the remote-control plan for transformer substations, owned by Endesa Distribución S.L.U. It designs and outlines the adaptation, refurbishment and renovation works of the medium voltage installations housed in these substations, thereby making it possible...

The project, which was part of REE's asset upgrade programme, consisted of the detailed engineering of modifications that included civil engineering works, supply works, electromechanical assembly, auxiliary installations, integration of protection systems, and control of new equipment at the substation on the island. This involved the...

Lugar: San José del Valle (Cádiz) Site: San José del Valle (Cádiz) Type: 400 kV single-circuit high voltage overhead line Year: 2010 Developer: Torresol Energy Investments, SA The project included the design and engineering of a 400 Kv single-circuit line connecting the substation of the 50 MW solar thermal plant...

Developer: Solarpack Corp. Tecnológica, S.A. Site: Badajoz Main features: Elec. power 70 MW / Voltage: 30/220 kV Date: 2018 The project included the development of the substation project and a 220 kV high voltage line for the evacuation of two solar power plants with a total capacity of 85...

For this project, Ecointegral conducted the engineering and design of the extension of the substation in accordance with current legislation, the client's own regulations and the applicable international standards. Procedures were carried out to obtain the necessary permits for the works and commissioning of the project,...

132 kV Substation Project - Serra Do Punago Location: Castroverde (Lugo) 132/20 kV Punago Substation Year: 2018 This project consisted of a substation for the evacuation of the Serra do Punago-Vacariza wind farm, in Galicia. Ecointegral, in addition to carrying out the construction engineering of the evacuation substation, performed the...

Site: San Martín del Tesorillo (Cádiz) Developer: Naturgy Date: 2019 Services supplied: Pre-project and conceptual engineering, licence and implementation projects, project management and site supervision Design, engineering, processing and monitoring of works for a 20/66 kV substation for the evacuation of a wind farm in Cádiz via a high...

Year: 2007 Line type: 220 kV D/C overhead Owner: Red Eléctrica de España, S.A.The project covered the topography, detailed engineering and documents that would be necessary for the management and processing of the occupation of rights of way for a 220 kV high voltage overhead line...

Location: Aliaga (Teruel) Length: 7 km Year: 2012 This project involved the execution of a 220 kV high voltage overhead line for the evacuation of the Fuenfresca Wind Farm, Aliaga (Teruel). The route of the planned high voltage line runs through the village of Aliaga, in the province...