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Pracujemy, aby oferować najlepsze rozwiązania dla potrzeb naszych klientów. Angażujemy się w projekty naszych klientów tak, jakby były nasze, stawiając na pierwszym miejscu jakość techniczną, formę i czas każdej wykonywanej przez nas pracy.


Ecointegral współpracuje z uniwersytetami i szkołami biznesu, dzięki czemu możemy dać pierwszą szansę tym, którzy niebawem skończą studia. Wiele z tych osób po ukończeniu stażu dołącza do naszych pracowników, przyjmując nowe obowiązki i rozpoczynając karierę zawodową.


Szukamy osób, które kochają to, co robią, kochają inżynierię i z pasją wykonują swoją pracę. Poszukujemy osób zaangażowanych w zmienianie naszego świata i ufających w poprawę życia ludzi poprzez inżynierię. Tworzymy zmiany, zostawiamy ślad na planecie i to nas wyróżnia.


Bycie częścią naszego zespołu jest fascynujące i staje się takie z każdym dniem. Pracownicy Ecointegral przyjmują i akceptują obowiązek zdobywania i utrzymywania wysokich standardów szkolenia osobistego i zawodowego. Zobowiązują się do tego, aby każdego dnia być lepszymi profesjonalistami, jest to jedyny sposób na osiągnięcie sukcesu.

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Alberto Moral García

Legalization technician
Electrical transmission and distribution department

"I did a 9-month internship program at Ecointegral. In that period I have acquired the necessary knowledge and skills to work independently and effectively.
Working in Ecointegral has meant for my professional development an important qualitative leap. Having a Management and Business Administration degree, it is not easy to work in the technical department of an engineering company, but I have had the help of colleagues and managers to acquire the necessary knowledge. It is a company that encourages group work and collaboration between colleagues.
Ecointegral also helps me develop personally, it allows me to mature and increase confidence and self-confidence, realizing that no matter how complicated something may seem because I can achieve it working hard enough."

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Juan Francisco de la Cruz Vacas

Area Manager E4E systems
Electrical transmission and distribution department

"I started working at Ecointegral two years ago. Its internship program offered me the possibility of learning and job training for four months in a very dynamic and constantly evolving way.
Currently, I am responsible for E4E systems in the technical office.
At Ecointegral I have learned various ways of working and managing teams. I am growing a lot both personally and professionally in a great team and constant learning environment."

Beatriz Bajo Sánchez

Head of Telecommunications division of Ecointegral Ingeniería

"Ecointegral has provided me the necessary confidence and support to develop my best abilities and helped me to improve others. Since joining the company, I have acquired theoretical and practical knowledge in renewable energy, fiber optics and remote telecommunications sites.
In addition, I have also learned to manage work teams, thanks to the help and support of my manager. I have also learned how to financially manage a división – you cannot learn this in any technical college degree".

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Jose Francisco Zaragoza

Project technician
Electrical transmission and distribution department.

"I started my internship program at Ecointegral on February 1, 2019 and since that day I have not stopped learning. The on-boarding process in the company was very good and thanks to the help and explanations of my tutor and my classmates, I managed to learn everything I needed. The training that is provided also helps a lot in learning.

At Ecointegral I have learned many concepts related to electrical engineering, I have learned the daily life of a company, its organization, working methods, dealing with the client, etc.

Regarding my personal development, Ecointegral has brought maturity and responsibility to me as it has allowed me to go from student life to working life.".

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Francisco Miñana Rojano

Drone Pilot
Electrical transmission and distribution department

"Working at Ecointegral has provided me the experience and constant growth to implement my skills and potential.
The collaborative environment at work has allowed me to develop a wide knowledge in the field of electrical transmission and distribution as well as the management of teams or the theoretical-practical development derived from piloting the unmanned aerial systems that I use daily .
On a personal level, in Ecointegral I have discovered that increasing my multidisciplinary capacity as a well-managed fortress is a basic pillar in my personal development and professional projection, "a primary concept to take into account in a changing environment".

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